


    “Buckwheat is feeding 60 families”

On April 3, on the initiative of  Northern University Alumni,  Career Center, the Association  of Social Enterprises of Armenia and the Youth Opportunities NGO, a training on "Social Entrepreneurship" topic  was held. Students, staff members, Head of Foreign Relations Department  Suzanna Sargsyan and others were present at the meeting.The purpose of the training was to introduce an alternative business orientation, contributing to the balance of social and business approaches. Participants were provided with detailed information on social enterprise, the differences between the social enterprise and business  entrepreneurship,  the role of social enterprise in community development was highlighted and so on. As it was mentioned, any capable physical person  (RA citizen, foreign citizen or stateless person) may be an individual entrepreneur.

During the training, the advantages and peculiarities of the social enterprise were also introduced to  attendees.

  As trainer  Karen Sargsyan mentioned, the  example of social enterprise can be any community problem.

“While implementing community goals, when there are no any resources, we can create our enterprise   and solve social problems available in our community with  partial income or with separate profit.  Such an  example  is the introduction of buckwheat processing and realization, as a result of which 60 families are currently employed”,-added Karen Sargsyan.

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