

university 2

You have a chance to take part in an international exchange program!

In 2018,  Yerevan Northern University has signed a cooperation agreement with the Polish  Rzeszow University  within the framework of the “Erasmus +”program, for  2018-2021 period of time.

The Rzeszow University was founded in 2001. It has 12 faculties, about 22,000 students and more than 2,000 employees.

Within the framework of the cooperation, it is  expected student and staff mobility  between two universities  by following specialties: "Business and Administration", "Languages, not further defined" and "Law".

In the near future only one staff exchange is planned.

Participants, who will apply for mobility program, will be selected on a competitive basis, by specially  formed  commission.

Lecturers who wish to take part in the exchange program  can submit their CVs to the Foreign Relations Department  until 25.09.2018.

Main News


Attention dear students...

Attention dear students...

Attention Northern University is announcing the “Erasmus+” Student Mobility cal...



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